Never before has a film so vividly and accurately provided unquestionable physical support for the existence of a spiritual realm where we unmistakably see the presence of God and support for His word. The veils are being lifted. This documentary will help you see what is coming by explaining our past.Dr. Alexa Brennan - Ex New-Age Teacher and Practitioner.
Being part of a documentary like this was fun. Rudy and the production team had ambitious dreams. But watching the final product of Angels and Giants was astounding. This is the fairest, most objective, and best produced show on this subject I've seen. It is a stunning production on its own merits. Most of all, it is biblically faithful and God honoring.Doug VanDorn
The de facto most complete and massive body of work on the subject of Biblical Giants I have ever seenJoe Horn - COO, SkywatchTV

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